Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chemotherapy and your Immune System

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can weaken immunity by reducing the number of white blood cells in your system, lowering of your "neutrophil count." So after chemotherapy or radiotherapy you may be more prone to bacterial or fungal infections.

While it is a good idea for everyone to take care to wash hands more regularly and to avoid exposing you if they are feeling unwell, experts note: "You are most likely to become unwell from bugs you carry around with you normally, not from catching someone else's. This means that you don't have to avoid your family, friends or children when you are sent home after chemotherapy."

In addition to taking good precautions to avoid unnecessary exposure to germs, resting may also help keep you well. Many people can anecdotally recall that they get sick more often when they are very stressed. Medical studies on the effects of stress on the immune system are inconclusive, "There is some scientific evidence that stress does weaken our immunity...While no one knows whether strengthening immunity can help to cure cancer, most doctors and nurses agree that reducing stress is a good thing to do."

So what to the experts at Cancer Help suggest to help your immune system? In addition to rest, they recommend eating a balanced diet including fresh foods.

So when you're in the kitchen...
  • Try to cook with fresh vegetables, organic if possible

  • Try to use a combination of fresh vegetables to maximize nutrients, for example, blend several vegetables together in a soup

  • Wash your hands regularly and well

  • It is probably a good idea to avoid unpasturized foods

Want to know more? See Cancer Help.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Some Common Physical Responses to Chemotherapy...

Bodily responses to chemotherapy are as varied as the incredible men, women and children undergoing the therapy. My mother had strong responses to her treatment, including a powerful taste aversion to chemicals. A coworker of hers rarely felt nauseated. The National Cancer Institute lists some of the more common physical responses to chemotherapy.

  • loss of appetite

  • changes in weight (either losing or gaining weight)

  • sore mouth or throat

  • dry mouth

  • dental and gum problems

  • changes in sense of taste or smell

  • nausea/vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • lactose intolerance

  • constipation

  • fatigue and/or depression

Cooking in your kitchen will vary depending on an individual's response to his or her treatment. Because cooking for someone who is experiencing diarrhea will be different from cooking for someone who is experiencing constipation, the National Cancer Institute also offers some advice for addressing each of the specific responses to treatment. Have patience with yourself and those around you as you try to navigate your way through this unfamiliar territory.